Ready to level up your competitiveness?

Ready to level up your competitiveness?

We'll position your business so irresistibly,
that even your competitors will
want to buy from you.

We'll position your business so irresistibly,
that even your competitors will
want to buy from you.

We'll position your business so irresistibly, that even your competitors will want to buy from you.


Over 1,000 cutting-edge positioning strategies crafted in 17 years

A key challenge in today's markets, also familiar to you?

In a sea of choices, how can we establish our business as
the OBVIOUS BEST SOLUTION - a must-have -
and avoid being seen as just
another option?

In a sea of choices, how can we establish our business as the OBVIOUS BEST SOLUTION - a must-have - and avoid being seen as just another option?

To navigate these challenge, two strategies are
available. Which is YOUR focus?

Strategy 1:

Do a lot of

(= Focus on frequency)

Strategy 2:

Have an indispensable brand positioning

(= Focus on impact)

Two strategies await. Which is YOUR focus?

Strategy 1

Do a lot of advertising

= Focus on frequency

Strategy 2

Boost your positioning

= Focus on impact

Daniel G. Bieber
Managing Partner of Competitive Today

Daniel G. Bieber
Managing Partner of Competitive Today

You prefer focusing on "strategy 2", because you want to:

You prefer focusing on "strategy 2", because you want to:

Smart move!

Why try to convince people when the right positioning strategy speaks for itself, outshining the competition.

However, 17 years of experience in strategic positioning have clearly shown us:

95% of businesses are
positioned in a way that makes them INTERCHANGEABLE.
Why is that?

The outdated belief in

Many companies still rely on unique selling points (USPs) and unique positioning.

But in today's markets, is being "different" or "unique" enough to be truly competitive?

Time to question the norm!

How to stand out as the obvious best solution?


A Benchmark Positioning redefines market standards for customer value, rather than merely differentiating within existing ones (= traditional positioning).

This goes beyond the limitations of a traditional positioning which is why the methodology - Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) - can be considered the evolution of positioning approaches. Discover it now:


Positioning defines what you offer and to whom - A CLEAR POSITION


Strategic Positioning emphasizes differentiators (USPs) for


Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) focuses on setting new standards in customer value, elevating your product to A NEW INDUSTRY BENCHMARK, beyond just differentiation

Simply put, the essence of Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) is to reposition your business in a way that adds value your audience has always desired but couldn't put into words.

Case studies?

1,000+ Benchmark Positionings crafted. In 17 years!

Visit the Positioning ART Gallery – a one-of-a-kind digital space showcasing cutting-edge
Benchmark Positioning Strategies in unique AI-generated artworks.

Visit the Positioning ART Gallery – a one-of-a-kind digital space showcasing cutting-edge Benchmark Positioning Strategies in unique AI-generated artworks.

Traditional Positioning VS Benchmark Positioning

Every company needs a positioning strategy. What's your choice? Sticking with "Traditional Positioning", or upgrading to a "Benchmark Positioning"?

Traditional Positioning


Traditional Positioning is about differentiating your business within existing market standards to gain a competitive edge.

Benchmark Positioning


Benchmark Positioning is about setting new standards in customer value, making your business a reference point for excellence in its market.

Considering upgrading to a Benchmark Positioning?

Book a FREE 45-minute Consultation

We'll show you Benchmark Positioning opportunities for your business. Then, it's up to you
to choose whether to partner with us for implementation. Fair enough?

We'll show you Benchmark Positioning opportunities for your business. Then, it's up to you to choose whether to partner with us for implementation. Fair enough?


Positioning ART Gallery

Private Online Tour – for
individuals & groups
(Groups € 1,200 p.p.)

Individuals € 1500


We'll introduce you to game-changing Benchmark Positioning Strategies that can take your business to a whole new level

Included Services:
  • Private Gallery Tour (online, 2h)
    A deep dive into those
    Benchmark Positioning Strategies
    of our gallery that can most significantly accelerate your business
  • Including Q&A Session
    on the methodology behind the introduced strategies
Private Gallery Tour

Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP)

Setup Package – BASIC

From € 16500


We'll create a standout Benchmark Positioning for your business and guide you for 2 months through its implementation

Included Services:
  • Individual Benchmark Positioning for your business
    → SBP Concept
    → Offer Architecture
    → Sales Pitch Architecture
    → Pitch Deck Structure
    → Website Presentation Structure
  • Strategy Mentoring
    → 5 sessions, 1to1. guidance to shape your Strategic
    Benchmark Positioning (SBP)
    → Including video recording of each session
  • Strategy Support – 2 months
    → 24/7 Messenger Support
    for a successful implementation of your Strategic Benchmark
    Positioning (SBP)
    → Including short phone calls
    → Including minor support services
Business Development Service

Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP)

Setup Package – PLUS

From € 28500


We'll create a standout Benchmark Positioning for your business and introduce you to top contacts from our network

Included Services:
  • Individual Benchmark Positioning for your business
    → SBP Concept
    → Offer Architecture
    → Sales Pitch Architecture
    → Pitch Deck Structure
    → Website Presentation Structure
  • Strategy Mentoring
    → 7 sessions, 1to1. guidance to shape your Strategic
    Benchmark Positioning (SBP)
    → Including video recording of each session
  • Strategy Support – 3 months
    → 24/7 Messenger Support
    for a successful implementation of your Strategic Benchmark
    Positioning (SBP)
    → Including short phone calls
    → Including minor support services
  • Strategic Networking
    As A Service

    → Introductions to contacts within
    our exclusive network who can
    significantly accelerate your sales success
Business Development Service

Strategic Networking As A Service

A Benchmark Positioning is the foundation for true competitiveness in today’s oversaturated markets. Another critical factor is a strong network which can greatly accelerate your business success.

At Competitive Today, we combine both in a unique "As A Service" offering.
Interested in trying before you commit?

Client statements – during, after, and about the experience of Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP):

My investment in Benchmark Positioning has already proven to be more valuable for my business development than anything else we've done.
Bernd Ruffing
Founder, Prozesspunkt Null
From my perspective, Benchmark Positioning revolutionizes sales, seamlessly encouraging conversations and business deals. The fact that I can establish a new standard in internal corporate communication, upgrading even renowned methods like Rosenberg's "Nonviolent Communication," is simply fantastic.
Moja Buholzer
Owner, Moja Coaching & Beratung GmbH
Our Benchmark Positioning hits the mark. You've shown us paths to the future that we never would have discovered with our approach.
Patrick Kofler
CEO, Helios BZ
Strategic Benchmark Positioning eclipses every marketing approach I've known. It's much more than just a competitive edge – I can confidently say that after teaming with Daniel.
Josch S.
Entrepreneur & Investor in Real Estate and Cyber Security
Since the first day of our collaboration, I've had a smile in my face that just won't go away. I never imagined transforming my fitness offer into an entirely new life performance method called "Mental Kickboxing"
Raphael Kiemann
CEO, Via Eventus GmbH
Mr. Bieber, you should know... In the past 35 years, we've only worked with two consultants, and you're one of them. Your fresh marketing perspective has opened up new opportunities for us we haven't seen elsewhere, even after 35 years of experience in acquisition.
Rolf Müller
Former CEO, IMM GmbH
Strategic positioning at the absolute highest level I've ever seen. Incredibly valuable and essential for putting your company in the market's pole position
Bruno Areger
CEO, APPLETREE root your brand AG
Daniel has incredible expertise in positioning. His approach to Benchmark Positioning eclipses all other positioning strategies I've come across.
Moritz Diehl
Entrepreneur & National Executive Board, Wirthschaftsjunioren e.V.
When it comes to strategic positioning, Daniel is truly a Billion Dollar Idea Man. If he's working for your competition, you've got a problem and are missing out on a lot of money.
Gennadi Semenov
Investor & Entrepreneur
There's absolutely nothing Daniel can't sell with his Strategic Benchmark Positioning System. Absolutely unique.
Karen Schmidt
Founder of Change Punk
Daniel possesses an extraordinary ability to spot talents in others and enhance them with his Strategic Benchmark Positioning in a peerless manner. We're incredibly thankful to have him with us
Mario Janzen
Founder, PURE Vermarktungs GmbH
When it comes to Positioning; Learn from the best. Daniel.
Joachim Falldorf
Former Director Corporate Services and Finance Germany, Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd
I've been trying for years to figure out how to make a product with my illustrations that everyone would want. And then you show up, Daniel, with your Benchmark Positioning and reveal the perfect solution. I never imagined it was possible, let alone gaining two new customers through your network before we even officially started. Absolutely amazing!
Nicole (Herb) Magunga
Designer & Managing Partner at H & B Vertriebsges.m.b.H
Having you as a positioning strategist in our investor circle is incredibly valuable. In my 30 years, I've never come across anyone with such a refined skillset. What you do goes beyond strategy – it's an art.
Evgeny T.
Seed Investor
Für mich bist Du der Positioning-Bieber. Egal wie dick das Brett vor'm Kopf ist, das vom geschäftlichen Wachstum abhält, der Positioning-Bieber beißt es durch! In anderen Worten, es gibt keinen noch so verzwickten Fall in der strategischen Positionierung, den Du nicht lösen kannst.
Gilbert Lintner
CEO, NIUN Veritas GmbH

These testimonials offer just a peek at our clientele and the 1000+ Benchmark Positioning Strategies we've developed over the past 17 years, selectively showcased in our "Positioning ART Gallery".

Sounds interesting?

Book a FREE 45-minute Consultation

We'll show you Benchmark Positioning opportunities for your business. Then, it's up to you to choose whether to partner with us for implementation. Fair enough?

We'll show you Benchmark Positioning opportunities for your business. Then, it's up to you to choose whether to partner with us for implementation. Fair enough?


"Competitive Today" isn't just an innovative business development firm. We're pioneers in rethinking strategic positioning.

With 17 illustrious years and a legacy of over 1,000 game-changing positioning strategies, our track record speaks volumes. Dive into our genius at the "Positioning ART Gallery"

With a small team of entrepreneurs, we deliver a first-class service beyond any typical 9-to-5 agency setup.

"From Leaders To Leaders"

years of experience in
Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP)

+ Benchmark Positioning Strategies


countries where we’ve
done projects

Frequently ask questions (FAQ)

Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) is versatile and applicable across the board – suitable for everything from products and services to broader contexts like locations, personal brands and employer brands. Industry type or company size doesn’t matter.

What’s essential is a customer-centric orientation to effectively implement Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP)

  1. Focus:
    Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) empowers you to combine all your company’s strengths, qualities, and services into a single, standout Benchmark Position, enabling you to pinpoint the right focus for streamlined and highly effective business development.

  2. Relevance:
    Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) makes you intuitively recognized as the obvious best solution, sparking urgency in your audience.

  3. Revenue Potentials:
    Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) unleashes hidden opportunities for revenue growth.

  4. Company’s Value:
    Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) substantially boosts your company’s value by empowering you to set new industry benchmarks, which is the essence of SBP. This approach – setting the industry benchmark – provides far more value than just having a great brand.

Yes, 100%. Here’s why:

Before discussing a potential partnership, we want to first show you Benchmark Positioning examples that could take your business to a whole new level. This is the only way we can both determine if Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) truly benefits your business and if our collaboration will be productive.

If we take you on as a new client for developing a standout Benchmark Positioning Strategy for your business, our collaboration follows three steps:

Step 1: Development of your Benchmark Positioning Strategy (Done For You Service)
Based on your responses to a questionnaire, we systematically develop a powerful Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) for your business. This includes the Benchmark Positioning concept, an offer strategy, and a sales pitch that turns your business into an irresistible investment.

Step 2: Discussion of your Benchmark Positioning Strategy (Done With You)
During a 1to1 Strategy Mentoring session, we discuss and refine your Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) for a successful market launch.

Step 3: Refinement of your Benchmark Positioning Strategy (Done With You)
Over the course of 2-3 months, we will continuously refine your Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) — including the concept, offer strategy, and sales pitch — based on market feedback to ensure it truly resonates. Throughout this period, we’ll be your mentor and sparring partner, available 24/7 for guidance

It typically takes 2-4 months to shape a Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) that really hits the mark. During this period, we’ll need about 1,5 hours per week for meetings and / or WhatsApp sparring.

No, Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) builds on your existing brand strategy, offerings, and current content, like your website. It consolidates all that defines your company and your accomplishments into a single, standout Benchmark Positioning.

Imagine it like upgrading a great car with standout tuning, boosting its speed from 150mph to 250mph while it becomes even more energy-efficient.

The SBP Setup Package BASIC starts at € 16,500 + VAT.
Our SBP Setup Package PLUS begins from € 28,500 + VAT.

Prices vary depending on your annual revenue. If it’s € 500,000 or more, collaboration starts at €20,000 + VAT for our SBP Setup Package BASIC.

Both of our offers can be paid through individually tailored installment plans or a 100% upfront payment with a generous discount.

Our private Positioning ART Gallery Tour is priced at €1,500 + VAT for individuals and €1,200 + VAT per person for groups. Payment is required upfront.

As an innovative business development firm, our aim is to greatly boost the competitiveness of customer-centric businesses through Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) in today’s landscape of oversaturated markets and AI technology.

This mission inspired the brand name „Competitive Today.“

Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) was invented by Daniel G. Bieber, founder and managing partner of the innovative business development firm „Competitive Today“. The methodology was first applied in 2007.

Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) builds on the principles of strategic positioning but completely rethinks its fundamental approach to differentiation. This is because SBP aims to redefine market standards for customer value, rather than merely differentiating within existing ones.

The origins of Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) trace back to the insights of Daniel G. Bieber, a trained hotel professional who, since the late 1990s, immersed himself in marketing and customer delight. Born in Würzburg, Germany in 1981, Bieber realized in 2001 that true competitiveness meant setting new customer value standards, rather than just being different.

Equipped with this philosophy and a wealth of creativity, Bieber, since 2007, has developed various positioning solutions based on establishing new benchmarks in customer value.

Starting from traditional positioning concepts with limited methodology, it took Bieber about a decade to perfect his Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) method. His goal was not just to create another strategic framework but to develop a reliable system that helps businesses across all sectors become indispensable and address the limitations of traditional positioning. This includes the challenge of integrating all aspects of a business, like its full range of offerings, into a standout positioning.

With SBP, Bieber has also solved this major positioning issue that often leads to stagnation in business development. His expertise quickly made him sought after among an elite circle of clients and contributed to making SBP one of the most effective, yet simultaneously best-kept secrets in positioning strategies to date.

Looking ahead, Bieber plans to maintain SBP as an exclusive business development service for the time being. However, he envisions making it more mainstream in the future due to his unique Positioning ART Gallery.

Offering Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) as an exclusive business development service means broad availability would dilute the competitive advantage it provides our clients.

Moreover, 17 years of experience have taught us that the conventional emphasis on „visibility“ in marketing, particularly for premium products and services that don’t require acquiring hundreds of new customers annually, is vastly overrated.

In today’s environment, where trust is scarce – partly due to the proliferation of self-promoters on social networks – the real currency is IMPACT.

We’ve found that the most substantial impact on a target audience isn’t achieved through mere visibility, but through unparalleled Benchmark Positioning and the right network of contacts that can open doors.

This highly resource-efficient approach to marketing isn’t just what we enable for our clients; we also apply it to our own operations daily.

Nevertheless, we are planning to broaden the awareness of Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) to a wider audience through our innovative Positioning ART Gallery.

The Positioning ART Gallery serves not only as a showroom for our standout Benchmark Positioning Strategies but also introduces a new art form that uniquely blends standout marketing with traditional art.

Since its launch in October 2021, the gallery has primarily functioned as a showcase for our work. All current pictures in our gallery are created by Midjourney AI.

By beginning of 2025, we aim to unveil „Positioning ART“ as a new art form developed in collaboration with renowned artists. These artists will paint our clients‘ Benchmark Positioning Strategies into unique, individual artworks, which will be available both as physical pieces and as duplicated NFTs.

This initiative offers our clients access to the artists‘ networks and fans, who are often high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) acting as C-level executives, entrepreneurs, or investors. This audience frequently aligns directly with our clients‘ target markets.

Therefore, „Positioning ART“ is not only a fresh and innovative art form but also a novel approach to influence marketing.

The sophisticated system behind Strategic Benchmark Positioning (SBP) makes it easy and quick (about 15 – 30 minutes) to identify effective Benchmark Positioning opportunities for any industry, product, or service, requiring only some specific information from the client.

Thanks to our long-standing partnership with a renowned international marketing agency, which serves thousands of clients worldwide, many of our Benchmark Positioning Strategies have been adopted for the agency’s clients‘ products and services.

In an exclusive agreement, we’ve committed to strict confidentiality on both sides. Our signed NDA protects the SBP method from being disclosed to third parties, revealed, or used independently by the agency. However, this also means we can’t publicly discuss the many agency client projects we’ve contributed to, which also include well-known brands and innovative products and services.

Beyond our agency clients, over the last 17 years, we’ve also worked with many individual clients – from solopreneurs to small and midsize businesses (SMBs) in various industries as well as destinations.

Ready to elevate your competitiveness?

We'll position your business so irresistibly,
that even your competitors will
want to buy from you.

We'll position your business so irresistibly,
that even your competitors will want to buy from you.


Daniel G. Bieber,
Managing Partner of Competitive Today​

Hotline & WhatsApp

+49 1567 - 869 163 0

WhatsApp availability

24 hours


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Warm regards,
Your Competitive Today Team